Take your Indian home cooking to the next level with our Recipe Boxes!
A box containing 6 full tins of single-origin spices.
A recipe book of around 20 delicious, easy-to-follow recipes ranging from show-off meals to easy mid-week ones that you’ll want to cook again and again.
The whole book uses just 6 spices so there'll be no need for a dash to the shops to buy a spice you'll only use once.
Enough spices to last 3 months or so, if you cook one or two recipes a week.
A mixture of vegetarian and meat-based recipes.
Ingredients that are easy to find in all supermarkets.
Enough spices left over to repeat your favourite recipes and use in other dishes.
Tips on how to make you a more confident Indian home cook.


Delivered direct to your door ready
for you to enjoy
A recipe book with 20 tried
and tested, tasty dishes
6 spice tins full of our sensational spices
Bags of pre-mixed spices where you aren’t sure what you’re getting.
A teaspoon of this or a pinch of that spice.
Only 1 or 2 recipes, leaving you feeling a bit short-changed.
Obscure, hard to find, or expensive ingredients.
A subscription tying you in - you can enjoy our recipe boxes as quickly or slowly as you want.
Fancy another recipe box? Watch this space as we will be adding more to the collection soon...
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